Archie Veera

SMA Scientific Committee – Expressions of Interest

Sports Medicine Australia (SMA) is calling for expressions of interest from professional members who would like to join the SMA Scientific Committee. The role of the SMA Scientific Committee is to provide ongoing and timely scientific advice on current and emerging...

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2nd ASEAN Sports Medicine Conference

  The 2nd ASEAN Sports Medicine Conference was held in Kuala Lumpur on the 24th - 25th March. Over 150 delegates from more than 13 different countries converged at the conference to hear and discuss the latest ideas, research and innovations in the field. The...

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SMA Sports Trainers at the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games

  The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (4 - 15 April) has just concluded and while the focus of the Games has indeed been on the athletes, the success of the Games is also testament to the collaboration and hard-work of the volunteer medical team. Medical...

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Vale Wendy Braybon

Sports Medicine Australia would like to pay tribute to Wendy Braybon, a treasured member of our SMA community who passed away on the 2nd of April, aged 65. Over the years, Wendy generously shared her time and expertise with SMA and the wider sports medicine community....

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