Archie Veera

Infection Control in Community Sport – Workshop Review

It has been a year like no other in 2020 and with everything that has occurred, it has highlighted the importance of infection control in community sport settings, calling for adaptations to best practice and adjusting to the ‘new normal’. On Tuesday December 8,...

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SMA Launches COVIDSAFE Safer Sport Education Program

Sports Medicine Australia (SMA) is pleased to announce the launch of a revised, COVIDSAFE Safer Sport Education Program and new national course calendar. SMA has taken a leadership position in transforming the program into a COVIDSAFE model that will provide ongoing...

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Safer Sport Program: COVID-19 Safety Measures

As an organisation we are extremely aware of the significant role we have to play in the return to sport at all levels, and as such we are taking all necessary precautions to ensure that the recommencement of training is carried out in a safe and socially responsible...

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