Team Crossfit Taipan (From Left): Lachlan Skulander, Kirst Deveney and James Gunther. (Absent: Jase Bennett)
Lachlan Skulander has been a hardworking member of the Sports Medicine Australia (SMA) team for the past 2 years. As Program and Coverage Coordinator for NSW, Lachlan assists in organising SMA courses across the state, not to mention, arranging quality sports coverage for various events throughout the year.
During his spare time, Lachlan is often found on the rugby field as a forward for Hornsby Rugby Club in the Central Coast Rugby Union Competition and as coach for the Hornsby Women’s 7s team.
This August, Lachlan and his team, ‘CrossFit Taipan’ will embark on the epic Oxfam Trailwalker- a hike of 100km which they aim to complete in just 24 hours.
The 100km journey, through bush and hilly terrain, will begin in Brooklyn and will conclude in Balgowlah Heights.
Lachlan and his team have been training hard in order to prepare for the journey.
“We’ve been doing lots of bush walks and runs with full packs and gear, plus strength training in the gym. We’ve also been getting out to do some road running to help put kilometres into our legs.
“We will be going through with the journey no matter what the weather: rain, hail or shine.”
All funds raised by teams in the Trailwalker will go towards fighting poverty through the Oxfam charity. Aside from the physical challenge of the hike, this is a major motivating factor for Lachlan.
“There are so many creature comforts that we take for granted, like having clean water, readily accessible.
“I think it’s important that we raise awareness about poverty, as we are so lucky. Sometimes we forget just how hard it is for some people to eat, drink and survive day-to-day.”
To start the race, Lachlan and his team need to raise a minimum of $1,500. All donations are greatly appreciated. To make a donation and support Lachlan on his journey, click here.