Sports Medicine Australia is thrilled to introduce Professor Kristian Thorborg as one of our keynote speakers at the 2021 SMA Conference.
Kristian Thorborg is Professor at Copenhagen University in Orthopedic Surgery – with a special focus on Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy. Kristian is also currently Professor at Lund University in Sweden.
He is currently employed as Research Lead at the Sports Orthopedic Research Center – Copenhagen (SORC-C), and senior-researcher at the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Research – Copenhagen (PMR-C) program. Both centers/programs are part of the Copenhagen – International Olympic Committee (IOC) – Research Centre in Injury and Illness Prevention. Kristian is a Specialist in Sports Physical Therapy since 2004, with more than 22 years of clinical experience within sports and orthopedic injury prevention, assessment and treatment.
Kristian Thorborg has published more than 200 peer-reviewed articles and 30 book chapters, and currently publishes more than 25 papers annually. His main research area is prevention, assessment and treatment of sports and orthopedic injuries. His research includes all aspects of sport from elite to sub-elite including all genders.
He has published in Nature Disease Primer (2020) and Nature Scientific Reports (2018), has been the guest editor of Br J Sport Med four times (2017-2020), and have 13 of his papers chosen as “Editor´s Choice” in international medical journals (2010-2021). He has conducted > 10 prospective studies (Level 2a evidence); > 10 randomised controlled trials (Level 1b evidence) and > 10 systematic reviews (Level 1a evidence). His research has received 14 prizes/awards for the scientific contributions and 2 papers being most downloaded monthly paper, in British Journal of Sports Medicine (Impact Factor 12.2) with more than 100.000 downloads in total.
Furthermore, Kristian has written chapters in international bestsellers such as “Clinical Sports Medicine”, “Orthopedic Rehabilitation of the Athlete”, “Hip Joint Restoration” and “The Sports Medicine Physician”. Kristian is the developer of HAGOS and outcome score for athletes with groin pain, which is translated into more than 15 languages, and he is currently ranked as no. 1 by (online guide to find biomedical experts and institutions) within the area of and “Groin”.
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