
2021 SMA Conference Keynote Speaker – Jean-Francois Esculier

Jul 1, 2021

Sports Medicine Australia is thrilled to announce Jean-Francois Esculier as a Keynote Speaker presented by Sports Exercise Podiatry Australia (SEPA) for this year’s 2021 Conference.

Jean-Francois (JF) Esculier is a Canadian physiotherapist who embraces the roles of clinician, researcher and educator. He completed a Masters and PhD on patellofemoral pain in runners, as well as a postdoctoral fellowship on running and knee osteoarthritis. JF is passionate about reading the latest research, and translating it into clear clinical messages to educate healthcare professionals and the general public.

He is the Leader of Research & Development at The Running Clinic, Physiotherapist and Founder of MoveMed Physiotherapy, and Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of British Columbia.