Article Spotlight

New study shows reliable way to measure muscle oxygen levels during exercise

A specific method of tracking muscle oxygen levels could help make exercise routines more effective and tailored to individual needs.

Biggest marathon risks identified

Marathon runners who run very fast, run very slow, compete in high temperatures or are female, face significantly higher risks of a medical or serious life-threatening medical emergency. 

Injuries in elite rugby league

Male and female elite rugby league players suffer similar injury rates but men experience more severe injuries. 

Physical activity lowers depression rates in teens

Physical activity can play a significant role in reducing depressive symptoms among adolescents, regardless of the type or intensity of the sport they engage in. 

Exploring preventative strategies for Alzheimer’s

Researchers called for larger, longer-term studies focusing on at-risk populations to further investigate the relationship between exercise and gene expression.

Women’s rugby tackled on injuries

A study that recommends a fresh approach to how women rugby union players are coached to minimise on-field injuries has won JSAMS’ Best Paper award for 2023.

Testicular cancer detected by anti-doping tests

While rare in anti-doping tests, incidental cancer diagnoses highlight a critical issue – testicular cancer can affect seemingly healthy young athletes.